Why Digital Marketing Is A Necessity

Digital marketing is a necessity, period. A relatively new, yet old concept. Something widely accepted now, in contrast to the past. If I had to write this article some 5 years back, things would have been much different. It was a sector yet to be explored, with limited digital marketing career opportunities . Digital marketing 5 years back, was anything but mainstream. Most Indian companies were relying on the practices of traditional marketing. But after realising the importance of the evolving technologies with market forces, it kind of became a mandate to start practicing digital marketing. Let’s have a look at some recent data to determine how it became the mainstream source of marketing. Bangalore, 18 th July 2016: The Digital Marketing Industry Report 2016 was released by Social Beat. The report is based on a survey conducted in May-June 2016. A total of 376 CMOs and Marketing Heads across India participated in the survey. ...